traction meeting template

traction meeting template is a traction meeting sample that gives infomration on traction meeting design and format. when designing traction meeting example, it is important to consider traction meeting template style, design, color and theme. for most of us, monday mornings are a long search for the right level of caffeine to make up for our lack of sleep. a minor miracle in the form of a level 10 meeting™. eos® is a toolkit for getting the most out of your business. one of the eos® “subsystems” is a weekly level 10 meeting™, which we have been holding every monday morning. level 10 meetings™ keep every member of your leadership team on the same page. they follow a specific agenda so that each leader is aware of your company’s larger picture. before you know it, these meetings will transform your company’s productivity. the scorecard is a collection of your most important metrics and measurables. you will most likely break them up by department. you should collect the information for the scorecard before the meeting.

traction meeting overview

in the context of the level 10 meeting™, each leader reports if their rocks are on-track or off-track. off-track rocks, like off-track scorecard metrics, move to the issues list. you assign items on the to-do list to one person who agrees to complete the task before the next level 10 meeting™. the issues list is where your team will spend most of their time during these meetings. tackling issues, as “get a grip” states, is “the real magic of what makes meetings great.” the book offers a structure to make sure you address what could be thorny problems for your company. once you collect and rank the issues, you and your team can identify the root cause of the issue. finally, solve the issue by adding measurable action items to the to-do list. since we adopted the eos® framework, level 10 meetings™ keep our finger on the pulse of our company. monday mornings aren’t about dragging ourselves to the office after the weekend. now we get excited about our goals and work to make our company better.

a level 10 meeting is a weekly 90-minute, collaborative executive meeting with the same agenda every week. at the end of each meeting, the participants quickly rate the meeting on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how well they followed the meeting format and how productive the meeting was. the first part of the meeting is dedicated to reviewing key data and surfacing any issues. when you get to that part of the meeting, you have a full hour to work on solutions.

traction meeting format

a traction meeting sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the traction meeting sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing traction meeting form, you may add related information such as traction meeting template,traction meeting agenda,traction level 10 meeting,level 10 meeting template,eos meetings

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traction meeting guide

these metrics can be anything involving revenue, churn, or growth — whatever you’ve identified as the most important 10 to 15 metrics for your company as a whole. this is the meatiest section of the meeting and should take a full hour. sometimes the issue is obvious, but other times you might have to dig deep until you identify the real issue and are all on the same page. rate your meeting: give your meeting a grade on a scale of 1 to 10. for eos, the most important criterion when grading is how well you followed the agenda: did you start and end on time? remember, the level 10 structure is fixed but the agenda is dynamic: each week, new items get added to the issues list, and once those are discussed, they get moved up to the to-do list for next week.