One of the best strategy many time management experts would recommend is to become organized. While some people are highly organized, many people are drawn into chaos by the demands of work and of other daily distractions. They may try efforts to be organized but find all the efforts are fruitless. However, organizing yourself and your time is not as difficult as it seems and it will eliminate a great deal of stress.
Organizing Time System
To effectively organize your time, you need to have creating systems- consistent ways of doing things. Systems transform your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals, objectives, and tasks into a coordinated whole.
Consistent system can help save time. When you have develop a consistent system that is suitable for your, it will save your a great deal of time. if, for example, you know exactly how you’re going to get ready for work in the morning or how you’re going to process e-mails when you arrive at work, you’ll do these tasks with less time and effort than if you reinvent the wheel every day. By developing systems- and then maintaining them-you will bring order to your day.
Know your Prime Time
When you are organizing your time, you need to find your best time in the day. Some people are at their best early in the morning. Others peak in the afternoon. Whenever possible, try to plan your daily schedule to match your prime time. You will not always have control, but consider such ideas as doing work that requires concentration, creativity, and thought during your prime time. Leave less demanding activities, such as reading, responding to mail, or returning phone calls, until after lunch if your prime time is in the morning.
As stated, everyone prime time may be different. You need to find out your own prime time by choosing a typical day and graph your energy level. You may need to repeat the excise several time until you find a accurate picture of your energy level in whole day.
Setting up a Schedule
Schedule can help you plan and prepare in advance. Most problems or crises you face on a daily basis are rarely that much of a surprise. You probably have encountered them before: That weekly ten o’clock meeting always runs late and that particular client always threatens to go to your competitor after receiving the first cost estimate for a project. Proper scheduling takes into account all your on-the-job knowledge and experience to prevent expected-and even unexpected- problems from knocking you flat.
Time scheduling needs to be flexible. When planning your time, it is a good idea to make your schedule flexible to accommodate unforeseen developments and complications. Developments and con1plications that can be anticipated should never push the agenda off track. A good scheduler always has a alternative plan. Creating a schedule that anticipates all possible snafus is critical.
Scheduling needs to know your to do list activities. When you are setting a schedule, it is important to assess your to do list tasks. If you’ve ranked the items on your to-do list according to their priority, then you’ll have a dear idea of what tasks absolutely need to get done in any given week. At the beginning of the week, take a look at your to do list and estimate how long it will take you to complete each task. If you aren’t good at figuring out how much time is needed to do various tasks, start keeping track of how long it takes you to complete each task, including any interruptions, and make a note to yourself for the future.